Unlock the Blueprint to Scaling Your Coaching Business Beyond Six Figures While Living a Life of Fulfillment and Freedom

Achieve Business Success Without Sacrificing Your Personal Life


From the desk of Terri Levine. 

Hello, I'm Terri.

If you're on this page, chances are you want to build a coaching business but don't know who to trust anymore. 

Look I’ve been there. 

You're passionate, but, despite your best efforts, success seems like a distant dream.

You have followed the advice of countless online gurus. Spent money on various programs, and yet, you’re not where you want to be.
And to top it off...

You keep hearing people telling you that you should get a real job and stop dreaming, and deep down, you're starting to believe them...

But what if I told you that none of this is your fault?

You have been misled by well-marketed myths that coaches advertise only to profit from you...

But you don't have to worry. 

There's a way out of this that doesn't force you to quit on your dreams.

A method I developed over 40 years of career and that helped over 7000 coaches go from zero to six figures in record time. 

But before that…

Let me tell you why you should listen to me. 

Truth is I have been exactly where you are now. 

I was the CEO of a huge health company, but I hated my life. 

From the outside, it looked like I had it all. 

A secure job. 

A stable income. 

It was the life everyone would dream of…

But inside I felt empty. 

I hated working in corporate.

I couldn't stand wasting hours in useless meetings that drained my energy...

But I simply didn’t dare to leave my position. 

The social pressure and fear of failing my loved ones held me back…

But everything changed when my mom and my best friend passed away in less than a year. 

I was devastated. 


Right before passing away, my best friend told me something I’ll never forget: 

"Terri don’t make your life about work. Make your life important."

My best friend had a dying wish for me. To live my life with no regrets, and so I did. 

I quit being a CEO and started my own coaching company to help women like me go after their dreams.

Everyone thought I was crazy, but I knew that was my calling, so I leaped and never looked back.

That was 43 years ago.

What started as a young girl following her dream became a 7 figure business that helped over 7,000 people achieve their goals...

And I couldn't be happier with the choice I've made.

Today, I know I'm making an impact in this world doing what I was born to do, and I made it my mission to help people do the same. 


I didn't tell you this to brag about myself. I just want you to understand that I’m not like those gurus you see sprouting online. 

Because the truth is that you have been lied to. 

Smart marketers sold you on a dream that building a business was easy, and you only needed to follow a template to reach success...

But they "forgot” to mention that every business is different, and no tactic or trend can substitute the fundamentals. 

That’s how people package their courses nowadays. 

“New Secret Method To 10x Your Business Overnight”

“The Secret Instagram Strategy To Skyrocket Your Coaching Business”

And so on. 

But let me assure you...

There's no such thing as an easy way to succeed, and whoever says the opposite is lying. 

It takes hard work to build a successful coaching practice, especially today when everyone calls themselves coach online...

That's why you should focus on timeless principles to build a business, not trends. 

And if you have been reading up until here, I know you feel the same. 

I know you're done with get-rich-quick schemes and unethical marketing, and I can guarantee this is nothing like that.

I created a new method that I call…

The Live Well Earn Well Method™

And that’s when everything clicked.

Suddenly, clients started looking for me.

I no longer had to hard sell them or create fake urgency to push them into buying something.

I didn’t have to use flaky ads promising the moon with no real results to back up the claim.

I didn’t have to rely on cold calling or sleazy sales tactics just to make a commission…

And if you want to do the same, now’s your chance.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from decades of helping thousands of coaches and created something truly special.

The Live Well Earn Well Mastermind is the culmination of my experience, designed to help you scale your business and live the life you deserve.

If you’re tired of sleazy tactics and overhyped promises, this is exactly what you need.

This Mastermind incorporates the same principles that have guided over 7,000 coaches and consultants to success, tailored into a comprehensive journey that ensures your business thrives while you live a balanced and fulfilling life.

I’m here to deliver results, not to sell you on an overhyped promise...

That’s why I’m not trying to convince you that you’ll get to six figures in 2 weeks.

It just doesn’t make sense.

It takes time to build a solid business that will continue to generate six figures for years to come, just like mine…

That’s why I created the Live Well Earn Well Mastermind. To give you the certainty that you can grow your business and enhance your life simultaneously.

No gimmicks.

No get-rich-quick schemes that disappear once you’ve paid them.

Only a roadmap to sustainable success, guaranteed.

But I’m going to warn you…

This is like nothing you have ever seen.

But one thing is certain…

If you fully embrace this Method, I can guarantee you’ll transform both your business and your life.


Because I’ve guided countless coaches to not only scale their businesses beyond six figures but to do so while achieving true personal fulfillment. This method is PROVEN to work.

Just take a look at some of the coaches who have already transformed their lives with this approach:
"After joining this program I had a 614% return on my Investment!"
Barbara Portzline 
"I have a pipeline full of leads worth over $30k and we just started!"
Ken Attard
Thank you Terri! After working together my phone keeps ringing. It's Bonkers!
"Terri created a custom plan tailor to my needs that brought from zero to having a successful business doing what I love!" 
Mia Redrick
 I added $57k in annual recurring revenue working less than ever before. Thank you Terri!"
Eric Levenhagen
Working with Terri was the best thing I've ever did!
Regina Andler
They all were in the same situation you’re in right now. 

But after joining my program, their life changed, as you could hear from them…

And today, you can do the same.
Here’s what we’ll cover inside the Live Well Earn Well Mastermind

Month 1: Designing Your Ideal Life and Business

Gain clarity on your ultimate vision and set the foundation for a business that aligns with your personal goals, ensuring long-term fulfillment and purpose-driven success. By the end of this month, you’ll have a clear direction and goals to guide your journey. ($2,500 Value)

Month 2: The Science of an Irresistible Offer

Identify your core values and learn how to integrate them seamlessly into both your work and personal life, leading to higher satisfaction and performance. You’ll create a 21-day plan for self-improvement, making decisions that resonate with your true self. ($3,500 Value)

Month 3: Crafting the Perfect Lead Magnet

Discover how to build flexibility into your business operations, enabling you to adapt and grow while maintaining balance. This week focuses on strategies to achieve business goals without compromising your personal life. ($2,000 Value)

Month 4: Content That Converts

​Develop a comprehensive timeline that synchronizes your personal and professional milestones, ensuring both progress harmoniously. This planning process will give you a roadmap for long-term success and fulfillment. ($3,000 Value)

Month 5: Mastering Sales Calls

Learn techniques to create harmony between your work and home life, allowing you to thrive in both areas without feeling overwhelmed. This week is about creating systems and habits that support your overall well-being. ($1,500 Value)

Month 6: Funnel Finesse

Identify and overcome the obstacles holding you back, both internally and externally. This module empowers you to break through barriers and achieve your full potential in both your business and personal life. ($1,500 Value)

Month 7: JV and Affiliate Development

Dive into joint ventures and affiliate marketing, giving you the tools to build powerful partnerships that expand your influence and grow your business—together. ($2,000 Value)

Month 8: Client Retention Strategies

Take the insights and strategies from previous weeks to design strategies that boost engagement, deepen client relationships, and turn customers into loyal advocates for your brand.  ($2,500 Value)

Month 9: Diversifying & Scaling

Learn how to diversify your product or service offerings, add value with bonuses, and grow your business sustainably.. ($3,500 Value)

Month 10: Building your Supporting Team

Integrate heart-centered practices into a team to create a more authentic, fulfilling, and successful coaching or consulting practice. . Learn how to hire your first VA or expand your team—understanding what tasks to delegate and how to effectively manage support, so you can focus on what matters most.($3,000 Value)

Month 11: Paid Ads Exploration

Learn how to broaden your impact. We’ll dive into paid ads—how to leverage them effectively to reach the right audience and grow your business without wasting time or money. ($2,000 Value)

Month 12: Automation & Sustainable Growth in Business and Life

Integrate heart-centered practices into your business to create a more authentic, fulfilling, and successful coaching or consulting practice. This final week ties together all the elements to ensure your business thrives while you live a life of purpose and balance. ($5,500 Value)
In other words…

I’ll give you my life’s work. 

Everything I’ve ever created and that is PROVEN to succeed…

But I won’t stop there. 
  • Access to me in a Slack Channel to support your growth and answer your questions
  • Access to community members for ongoing support, tools, and growth opportunities.
  • Weekly LIVE Zoom calls to keep you on track and troubleshoot any challenges and to teach you what is needed to implement in easy simple steps.
If You Join Us Today You Can Also Get:
  • Life Design Blueprint
  • ​Work-Life Integration & Fulfillment Blueprint
  • Operations Streamlining Toolkit
  • Flexibility & Adaptability Planner
  • ​Client Relationship Mastery Guide
  • Community Building & Networking Guide
  • Heart-Centered Business Practices Manual
  • Advanced Financial Planning for Coaches and Consultants
  • Personal Wellness Blueprint
  • ​Lifetime Access to Mastermind Materials
  • ​Exclusive Group Coaching Calls
Total Value: $32,500
Limited Time Special Pricing:
ONLY $400/Month
The total value for all of this is $32,500, but you won’t have to spend anywhere near that.

In addition if you pay in full you can save $1,900 and get access to:

The total value for all of this is $32,500, but you won’t have to spend anywhere near that.

In addition if you pay in full you can save $1,900 and get access to:

 Paid in Full BONUS 1: Private Call with Dr. Terri Levine (normally $5,000)

Get an exclusive consulting call with Terri Levine, where we will fast-track your progress by developing a personalized plan to ensure you get the best results quickly.

 Paid in Full BONUS 2: Marco Polo Direct Video Access to Terri Levine

On the annual plan you will have direct video access privately with Dr. Terri where she can help you dig deeper into your strategy and ensure you hit your goals.

 Paid in Full Bonus 3: Fast-Action Accelerator

For those who like to hit the ground running, I’m offering a 20 minute Fast-Action Accelerator call if you join TODAY. During this call, we’ll create a quick-win plan so you can start seeing results immediately.

To recap, you can get EVERYTHING I’ve ever created.

The very same tools I used to build a thriving, balanced life and a successful business.

The same tools and strategies that have helped over 7,000 coaches transform their lives and businesses.

This alone is worth a fortune, and many well-known coaches told me I must be crazy to give away so much for such a steal…

But as I told you before, I’m not like other coaches.

I’m so confident it'll work that if you follow the training and do everything I show you, and still don't get results, I’ll refund you all the money. No questions asked. 

Look, you’re now at a pivotal moment in your life and business.

You can skip this and keep living a life that feels unbalanced and a business that doesn’t truly fulfill you.


You can join the Live Well Earn Well Mastermind.

It’s your choice.

But if you want to transition from feeling overwhelmed and disconnected to living a life of purpose, and running a coaching or consulting business that thrives without sacrificing your personal fulfillment…

And you want to be finally recognized for your expertise and live the life you’ve always dreamed of…
See you inside, 

Terri Levine.

The Live Well, Earn Well Method: 
Your Path to Success

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I can't afford the full payment right now?
We understand that financial flexibility is important, especially when you're growing your business. That's why we offer an installment payment option. You can start the Mastermind with a smaller initial payment, followed by manageable monthly payments. This way, you can begin transforming your life and business immediately without upfront financial stress.
Is this Mastermind suitable for someone who is already successful?
Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine and scale your existing success, this Mastermind is tailored to help you achieve a balanced and fulfilling life. The principles and strategies apply to all stages of personal and business growth.
How is this Mastermind different from other life or business coaching programs out there?
The Live Well Earn Well Mastermind is unique because it's built on real-world success, not just theoretical knowledge. This Mastermind is crafted from my 40 years of experience in the field, delivering practical, actionable strategies that have proven effective for countless individuals. It's not about fleeting trends; it’s about enduring principles that lead to sustainable success.
Will I get direct access to Terri or her team for personalized advice?
Yes, you will have access to both group coaching calls and the potential for one-on-one sessions if you're among the first to enroll. This ensures you receive the guidance you need to tailored to your specific situation.
Is there a guarantee?
I am so confident in the Live Well Earn Well Mastermind and its ability to transform your life and business that If you apply all the strategies, attend the sessions, and use the resources provided, but still don't see your life and business grow in the ways we promise, we will give you a full refund.
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